Sport girls are complete sluts they use any chance to show off skin and ass, Their outfits are as slutty as they can get for the sport. You see outfits they wear for running? Fucking bikinis to run. Yea the lame excuse that it’s comfortable exist but in real life it’s just the women nature to seek fucking attention and show their asses they know their worth is in their body and not that bullshit they say.
Uh. Well. It’s not a sports uniform. It’s a bathing suit. Why? Uh. Because they’re at a beach? You know. The place where people wear bathing suits.
Sport girls are complete sluts they use any chance to show off skin and ass, Their outfits are as slutty as they can get for the sport. You see outfits they wear for running? Fucking bikinis to run. Yea the lame excuse that it’s comfortable exist but in real life it’s just the women nature to seek fucking attention and show their asses they know their worth is in their body and not that bullshit they say.
Uh. Well. It’s not a sports uniform. It’s a bathing suit. Why? Uh. Because they’re at a beach? You know. The place where people wear bathing suits.
Shut the fuck up
End Line gets zero pussy and it shows, holy shit.