If i was her man, and she can to the park with no panties I would have pounded her out. We should be see an abused pusssy right now, red sore looking, gaped open and draining from both of them cumming. But instead her she looks very tight and dry, so boring.
What you want him to fuck her in the park you moron. I’ve come across a few of your posts and you talk like a dumb wet nose little twit. You just need to stfu because you’re embarrassing yourself.
If i was her man, and she can to the park with no panties I would have pounded her out. We should be see an abused pusssy right now, red sore looking, gaped open and draining from both of them cumming. But instead her she looks very tight and dry, so boring.
What you want him to fuck her in the park you moron. I’ve come across a few of your posts and you talk like a dumb wet nose little twit. You just need to stfu because you’re embarrassing yourself.
Hey can you fix this vid too? Thanks!
Maybe Mr.Cooper???
Please and thank you!
New video added 😉
Truly a gentleman and a scholar!